
by CIMCON Automation



The CIMinstall app is very simple to use, with only a few screens and installation steps. This app cuts down on errors and installation time. The following features are supported:User roles such as Supply Chain Person (SCP), Installer, Commissioner, and Project Manager can be used to log in. Scanning the QR code displays item details. The item details screen will show information such as the serial number, make, model number, configuration parameters, and so on. The user can change the Item Status, add a photo of the Item, add notes, and update the configuration. When users press the submit button, all these details, as well as thier current GPS location, are sent to the server. When an item is installed or commissioned, it is assigned to a specific site. The project and site status are indicated in the colored circle just before the name. The Search function is useful for finding specific Projects, Sites, or Items from the displayed list.